Webinar – Parenting Children with Executive Functioning challenges

Webinar – Parenting Children with Executive Functioning challenges


Did you sign up for the Connected Minds Parent course but found it difficult to get through all the videos? Or perhaps you did the course a while ago but you’ve struggled to keep implementing some of the things you learnt? Or maybe you would just like a refresher!?

If this sounds like you then come along to this free webinar to help you kick start using the connected minds parenting approach with your children. Our strategies can help reduce conflict with your children, support their executive function skill development and strengthen your relationship with them.

The webinar is being hosted by one of the creators of the course, psychologist Imogen Moore-Shelley and coach Lisa Christie. There will be a combination of presentations and a chance for you to ask questions.

Outcomes (although we would prefer not to call it outcomes)

What you will get out of the webinar:

  • A refresher on the main principles of Connected Minds Parenting

  • Support with either starting the online course or getting going again if you have already started

  • You will hear from other people in the same boat as you

  • You will get a chance to consider and get support with what’s getting in the way of you completing the course or embedding these concepts in your parenting

  • You will learn about other ways that Connections in Mind can support you with your parenting

8-9pm , March 29th

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