Masterclass – Putting the ‘pro’ in procrastination
We can have the best intentions and plans for a really productive work session, and yet procrastination can kick in and derail our plans.
This can result in a sense of overwhelm and stress, as we fall behind on our goals and rush to get things done at the last minute, setting up a cycle of hope and excitement, followed by disappointment and guilt.
Our Masterclass will investigate the root cause of resistance to tasks by looking into the executive function ‘task initiation, ‘as well as sharing how to transform unproductive habits into solid ones that stick!
Learning Outcomes:
● Understand the neuroscience behind procrastination
● Learn about your unique motivation profile and how you can leverage it to your advantage
● Gain strategies to tackle those tasks that help you meet deadlines to get you ‘un-stuck’
● Quickly bounce back from failure and setbacks
● Keep your energy levels high throughout the day (naturally).
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