Festive season emotional regulation toolkit
We’ve got all kinds of printables in this month’s toolkit – All designed by psychologists & EF coaches to help you with strategies to draw up a workable plan for when you may feel dysregulated over the holidays. This is one you will keep coming back to – during the holidays and beyond!
Your downloadable toolkit includes:
- Appreciation Chart – How to notice and communicate your appreciation
- Marble Jar of Trust – Examine your trust deposits and withdrawals
- Examine the Facts  – Unpack an upsetting, triggering incident
- Self-Care Menu  – Compile your personal self-care go-to list
- Zones of Regulation – What is your body telling you to do, and how to respond
- 5 Senses Mindfulness exercise – tap into your 5 senses to ground yourself into the present
- My Go-To Affirmations – Compile your list to keep handy in your travels or at home
- Mindful Colouring in – Take 5 to unwind and connect with yourself
- Children’s Calm-Down kit – Ideas to assemble a child’s Calm-Down kit