Connected Club Membership - July

Mind Your Mind

Your Membership Content for July

We did it! We made it through half of 2022!

Roll on, July – we are ready for you!


This month, we are shining our torches on Mind Your Mind. 


As our UK community is aware, we are into our Summer months, which means school holidays, sunny skies…and a sprinkle of holiday stress!

But fear not – we are here to help!


Look out for our events, live support & strategy groups, courses & resources  all geared towards supporting that beautiful big brain of yours!

Neuro-Insight Module

Brain-Derived Neurotropic Factor (BDNF)

Imagine there was a special protein in the brain which helps it to function optimally, but 30% of people don’t have enough of this special brain protein. Introducing the brain’s fertiliser! BDNF: Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor.

Brain-Boost Module

How to Practice Self-Acceptance

How to find some peace, connect with yourself and come home to your body – in under 6 minutes. 

Self-Paced Masterclass

Masterclass Rerun: Improve your Relationship with Time

Rerun time! Upon popular demand, we have brought back an old classic – our Time Management Masterclass! This one is not a timetabled event, but rather self-paced – grab your cup of coffee & your notebook, and watch this recording at your own pace.


Mindfulness Journal

Take our 2 week mindfulness challenge: Our adorable printable journal has daily check-ins that help build awareness, share body & emotional regulation strategies, and lay down new healthy habits!

Interactive Strategy Sessions

Run by Rachel Breskal, one of our executive function coaches, and using the July theme of Mind Your Mind, these live strategy sessions will consolidate all the information from the Connected Club.

Come with a goal that you would like to achieve and we can work together to put this into practice. Each week we will discuss strategies to help you get the wagon wheels back on when they start to wobble or fall off!

Session 1, Tuesday 12th July.

Session 2, Tuesday 26th July.

Weekly Support Sessions

Had a bad EF week? Then join one of our weekly support sessions, facilitated by Dr Soracha Cashman, one of our dedicated and experienced executive function coaches. In these sessions, find yourself amongst like minded people who equally struggle with their EFs. Gain and share support and advice, accountability and meet our wonderful EF community. 

Dr Cashman is a cognitive neuropsychologist and experienced group facilitator regularly working with FTSE 100 companies.

Magic Mondays

Think of us as your Accountability Buddies!

Kickstart your week with a Monday online accountability session with educational psychologist & EF coach, Casey Anley. We kick off with a live Zoom goal-setting session in the morning, regular check-ins during the day, and a final Zoom debrief & reflection at the end of the work day to share the wins, challenges & what we have learnt about the way we work best. 

Your Connected Club buddies all work virtually alongside you for accountability, so you can step into ninja-focus mode.  

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