Connected Club Membership - April

Procrastination 101.

Your Membership Content for April

Despite our best wishes & efforts, we can get sidetracked, distracted & demotivated, and end up avoiding tasks on our to-do list. If you find yourself evading those ‘MUST DO’ tasks, by turning to more instant dopamine-producing activities – this month’s theme of PROCRASTINATION was made for you!

Have a look below at the events & resources we have put together to help you to challenge the narrative around procrastination – understand what’s happening in your brain, learn how to get back on track when setbacks hit, and pick up valuable strategies that work for your unique brain.


Changing the narrative around procrastination

In this Masterclass on Procrastination, we look to challenging the narrative around procrastination – what is at the root of resistance, how can one leverage unique motivation profiles, bounce back from setbacks, and get stuck in to finish strong.

Learning Outcomes: 

    • Understand the neuroscience behind procrastination
    • Learn about your unique motivation profile and how you can leverage it to your advantage 
    • Gain strategies to tackle those tasks that help you meet deadlines to get you ‘un-stuck’  
    • Quickly bounce back from failure and setbacks
    • Keep your energy levels high throughout the day (naturally).

Neuro-Insight Module

The Neuroscience of Procrastination

Learn about the brain systems involved in procrastination and the battle they engage in every time you put something off. We’ll give you some insights into some of the neuroscience backed steps you can take to shift away from doing tomorrow and towards doing today.

Brain-Upskill Module

Tackle procrastination in 5 easy hacks

Pick up 5 easy-to-implement hacks to tackle your procrastination in this compact video, with accompanying handout that will help you to establish new habits that work specifically for you!


Neurodiversity and Unconscious Bias in the Workplace

What does it mean to have unconscious bias? This webinar with neuropsychologist, Dr Soracha Cashman, explores workplace experiences of neurodiversity discrimination, and how to self-advocate for yourself and others to improve working conditions for all.


How I use my EF coach training in my practice: Q&A session.

Intrigued about our executive functioning coach training course, or keen to hear about how our coach training attendees are using their learnings in their work? Join us for a live Q&A with our EF coach training affiliates as they discuss what drew them to the Connections in Mind coach training, their experience of the programme, as well as how they implement these new strategies and concepts in their work.



This month’s toolkit provides scaffolding to help you get started on your tasks, but also digs deeper into why it can be so hard to get started; looking at perfectionism, fear of failure and past traumatic experiences.

Interactive Strategy Sessions

Run by Rachel Breskal, one of our executive function coaches, and using the April theme of PROCRASTINATION 101, these live strategy sessions will consolidate all the information from the Connected Club, specifically looking at:


Session 1, Tuesday 5th April – Come with a goal that you would like to achieve and we can work together to put this into practice.


Session 2, Tuesday 18th April – Considering your goal from the previous session we will discuss strategies to help you get the wagon wheels back on when they start to wobble or fall off!

Weekly Support Sessions

Had a bad EF week? Then join one of our weekly support sessions, facilitated by Dr Soracha Cashman, one of our dedicated and experienced executive function coaches. In these sessions, find yourself amongst like minded people who equally struggle with their EFs. Gain and share support and advice, accountability and meet our wonderful EF community. 

Dr Cashman is a cognitive neuropsychologist and experienced group facilitator regularly working with FTSE 100 companies.

Magic Mondays

Think of us as your Accountability Buddies!

Kickstart your week with a Monday online accountability session with educational psychologist & EF coach, Casey Anley. We kick off with a live Zoom goal-setting session in the morning, regular check-ins during the day, and a final Zoom debrief & reflection at the end of the work day to share the wins, challenges & what we have learnt about the way we work best. 

Your Connected Club buddies all work virtually alongside you for accountability, so you can step into ninja-focus mode.  

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