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Schools Resource Library!
Searching for a worksheet, resource pack or posters for your classroom?
Schools Library
Image | Title | Summary | Tags | Link | hf:doc_categories | hf:doc_tags |
10 Ways To Show Empathy Poster | Poster displaying the 10 ways we can show empathy. | Emotional Control, Metacognition, Response Inhibition, Sustained Attention, Working Memory | posters-schools schools | emotions meta response attention memory | ||
11 Separate EF Posters | Print these posters for your classroom display. | posters-schools schools | ||||
5 Senses Technique Handout | Use the 5 Senses Technique to practise mindfulness | Emotional Control, Metacognition | handoouts schools-handouts schools | emotions meta | ||
5 Top Tech Tools Pack | Learn five tech tools to improve executive functioning. | Goal-Directed Persistence, Sustained Attention, Time Management | individual-handouts packs individual cc-resources schools | goals attention time | ||
Activated Learning Pack | Chat with your class about why they are struggling and exactly how they can succeed. | packs schools | ||||
Amygdala Focus – Worksheet | Reflect on things which make you feel stressed and safe. | sheets schools | ||||
Amygdala Hijack – Worksheet | Reflect on limbic brain states. | sheets schools | ||||
Amygdala Poster | Poster displaying the amygdala and how it works | Amygdala, Emotional Control, Metacognition | posters-schools schools | amygdala emotions meta | ||
Amygdala Presentation | Powerpoint presentation diving into our brain’s security guard. | Amygdala, Emotional Control, Metacognition | present schools | amygdala emotions meta | ||
Anti Procrastination Toolkit | Overcome your procrastination and get the ball rolling with these tools. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
ANTS – Worksheet | Help students unpack their automatic negative thoughts. Great for perfectionists. | sheets schools | ||||
Anxiety Reflection Worksheet | Worksheet to reflect on what our bodies feel like and what we do when we’re anxious | Anxiety, Metacognition | sheets schools | anxiety meta | ||
ASD Iceberg Poster | A visual tool to help students and staff understand the full spectrum of autism. | Anxiety, Feelings, Flexibility, Metacognition | posters-schools schools | anxiety feelings flex meta | ||
Back to School Toolkit | Get back-to-school ready with these useful activities | school-toolkit schools | ||||
BDNF – Neuroscience Module Pack | Discover the Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor, a protein important in brain functioning. | packs schools | ||||
Becoming Neuro-Inclusive Poster | Poster highlighting the different stages of learning about neuroinclusivity. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Body Scan Script | Help students connect with their bodies and emotions through these calming exercises. | Anxiety, Feelings, Flexibility, Metacognition | worksheets-worksheets-individual worksheets-individual schools | anxiety feelings flex meta | ||
Brain Building Blocks – Poster | Poster displaying the Brain Building Blocks. | posters-schools schools | ||||
CBT Procrastination – Worksheet | Reflect on why you procrastinate and what motivates you. | sheets schools | ||||
CLC – SENCO Pack | Discussing the link between executive functioning and academic performance. | packs schools | ||||
CLC Training Pack | Resource to connect with your students about their executive functioning with a 3 stage approach. | packs schools | ||||
Creating an ideal working environment – Worksheet | Your workspace plays a significant role in how effectively you can concentrate & get things done. | sheets schools | ||||
Dance Movement Therapy – Handout | DMT is a way we can express and release our emotional energy through movement. | handoouts schools-handouts schools | ||||
Delayed Gratification Strategies for children Handout | A handout which summarises the findings from the marshmallow test for teachers – the 5 strategies the kids used. Also talk about the 6th the importance of modelling delaying gratification. | Emotional Control, Response Inhibition | handouts-parents schools-handouts parents cc-resources schools | emotions response | ||
EF Bingo | An executive functions spin on bingo to develop EF skills and self-reflect. | Amygdala, Emotional Control, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritising, Response Inhibition, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management, Working Memory | sheets schools | amygdala emotions flex goals meta organisation planning response attention tasks time memory | ||
EF Posters All on One | Print these posters for your classroom display. | posters-schools schools | ||||
EF Questionnaire for students to complete about themselves | Complete this form to help you assess your EF strengths & challenges as a student. | Emotional Control, Metacognition, Planning and Prioritising, Response Inhibition, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Working Memory | schools-handouts schools | emotions meta planning response attention tasks memory | ||
EF Questionnaire for Teachers to complete about their student | Complete this form to help you assess your student’s EF strengths & challenges. | schools-handouts schools | ||||
EF Questionnaire for Teachers to complete about themselves. | Complete this form to help you self reflect on how your EF strengths & challenges impact you professionally | schools-handouts schools | ||||
EF Strategy Bank For Teachers | An introduction to executive function skills. | strate-schools schools | ||||
EFs Definitions Poster | Poster displaying the different executive function skills and their definitions. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Eisenhower Matrix – Worksheet | Sort problems according to urgency and importance for great planning & prioritisation. | Organisation, Planning and Prioritising, Task Initiation, Time Management | individual-handouts sheets individual cc-resources schools | organisation planning tasks time | ||
Eisenhower Matrix – Worksheet | Learn how to prioritise your tasks. | sheets schools | ||||
Emotional Regulation Strategies – Handout | Six things you can do to help stimulate the vagus nerve | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Emotional Regulation Toolkit | Discover how to regulate emotion with these tips and tricks. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
Empathy for Teachers Pack | Empathy allows us to connect with students when at their most vulnerable. | packs schools | ||||
Essay Writing – Brain Dump – Worksheet | A worksheet that breaks down each essay question into four visual, manageable steps. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing – Essay Plan – Worksheet | A worksheet helping students plan their essay structure. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing – Essay Prep. Checklist – Worksheet | A checklist for students to write down all the things they need start their essay. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing – Mind Map – Worksheet | A mindmap for students to fill in that guides their thinking processes when answering questions. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing – Mind Map – Worksheet | A mindmap for students to fill in that guides their thinking processes when answering questions. | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Revision Planning, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | sheets schools | flex goals revision-planning attention tasks | ||
Essay Writing – My Plan to improve my relationship with essay writing – Worksheet | A worksheet supporting students to improve their relationship with essays in a sustainable, manageable way. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing – My Plan Tracker – Worksheet | A termly tracker for students to ensure they’re on top of their work each week. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing – Reference/Evidence List – Worksheet | A table for students to fill in to keep track of references for their essays. | sheets schools | ||||
Essay Writing & Executive Functions Info Sheet | A table outlining EF skills and strategies to overcome challenges when writing essays. | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Evening Routine Checklist – Worksheet | Manage your time by checking off your evening routine | sheets schools | ||||
Executive Function Skills and Sleep – Worksheet | Assess how sleep impacts your core executive function skills | sheets schools | ||||
Executive Function Strategy Cards | Strategy cards to improve EF skills | Anxiety, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | schools-handouts schools | anxiety flex goals meta organisation planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks | ||
Fear Crushing – Worksheet | Fear of letting yourself down can be the root of proscratination. | sheets schools | ||||
Feelings Flower Worksheet | Encourage emotional reflection and expression with this creative activity. | Anxiety, Feelings, Flexibility, Metacognition | worksheets-worksheets-individual-schools worksheets-individual schools | anxiety feelings flex meta | ||
Fill Your Worry Cup Worksheet | Worksheet to get out all those worries onto paper | Anxiety, Metacognition, Sustained Attention | sheets schools | anxiety meta attention | ||
Focus and Attention Tidbits – Handout | Six things you can do to help sustained attention | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Focus and Concentration Toolkit | Learn how to avoid distractions and stay focussed on the task at hand. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
Getting Started Toolkit | Overcome the analysis paralysis of starting a new project with these useful activities. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
Gratitude Chart – Worksheet | Track your gratitude to improve your mood. | sheets schools | ||||
Growth Mindset Pack | Understand the benefits of switching your mindset from “perfection” to “growth” for your goal-setting. | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Metacognition | individual-handouts packs individual cc-resources schools | emotions flex meta | ||
Hand Model of the Brain – Poster | Poster displaying the Hand Model of the Brain. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Healthy Habits Toolkit | Learn how to implement healthy habits in your daily life. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
Homework Toolkit | Toolkit to overcome homework hurdles | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Homework, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | school-toolkit schools | flex goals homework meta organisation planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks | ||
Homework Woop – Worksheet | Use mental contrasting to make a workable plan for homework | sheets schools | ||||
Interoception – Body Mapping – Worksheet | A mindfulness tool for students to tune into how they are feeling, physically and emotionally. | sheets schools | ||||
Interoception – Body Mapping – Worksheet | A mindfulness tool for students to tune into how they are feeling, physically and emotionally, using interoception and body mapping. | Amygdala, Emotional Control, Metacognition | sheets schools | amygdala emotions meta | ||
Kind Self Talk – Worksheet | Learn to talk to yourself as you would a friend. | sheets schools | ||||
Let your emotions rain – Worksheet | Explore emotions through the acronymn RAIN | sheets schools | ||||
Long Term Project Toolkit | Toolkit to tackle long term projects | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | school-toolkit schools | flex goals meta organisation planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks | ||
Making Space Between Our Emotions and Our Actions Handout | Make space between your emotions and your actions to give ourselves time to think about how to act. | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Metacognition | schools-handouts schools | emotions flex meta | ||
Mastering your time powerpoint | Presentation starting the conversation around time management as students | Metacognition, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time, Time Management | present schools | meta planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks time-2 time | ||
Maths Word Problem Breakdown Worksheet | Break maths word problems into manageable steps | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | sheets schools | flex goals meta attention tasks | ||
Maths Word Problems & EF Skill Strategies Handout | Strategies to develop EF skills for maths word problems | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritising, Response Inhibition, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management, Working Memory | schools-handouts schools | emotions flex goals meta organisation planning response attention tasks time memory | ||
Mental Contrasting – WOOP Template – Worksheet | Worksheet that supports students in brainstorming gameplans for task initiation and reaching goals. | sheets schools | ||||
Monthly Cycle Tracker Toolkit | Track your symptoms, notice patterns & set up self-care practices. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
Morning Routine Checklist – Worksheet | Manage your time by checking off your morning routine | sheets schools | ||||
My Amygdala Worksheet | Visualise your amygdala by drawing it in the square. | Amygdala, Emotional Control, Metacognition | sheets schools | amygdala emotions meta | ||
My intentions for this school year – Worksheet | Plan your goals for success this year at school | sheets schools | ||||
My Plan To Improve My Resilience To Change Worksheet | Map out a game plan to work towards improved flexibility | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritising | sheets schools | emotions flex goals meta organisation planning | ||
My Sleep Reflection Worksheet | Worksheet to reflect on sleep quality and how it affects students’ EFs | Metacognition, Sleep | sheets schools | meta sleep | ||
Neuroception – Handout | Learn about the concept of neuroception | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Neuroception Tracker | A tracker for children to use to show how they are feeling in certain situations | Emotional Control, Metacognition, Response Inhibition | handouts-parents sheets parents cc-resources schools | emotions meta response | ||
Neurodiverse Learners Pack | Every learner is unique in their executive functioning. | packs schools | ||||
Neuroplasticity & Habit Formation – Worksheet | Step by step to forming new habits that stick. | sheets schools | ||||
Neuroscience of Procrastination Pack | Uncover the neuroscience behind procrastination and how to overcome it. | Goal-Directed Persistence, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management | individual-handouts packs individual cc-resources schools | goals attention tasks time | ||
Our executive function skills Poster BLUE | Poster displaying our executive function skills. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Our executive function skills Poster PINK | Poster displaying our executive function skills. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Our executive function skills Poster RED | Poster displaying our executive function skills. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Parents Connect Collaborate Support – Scripts Table | A script for parents to use with their child to help scaffold a Connect Collaborate Support Conversation. | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritising, Response Inhibition, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management, Working Memory | schools-handouts handouts-parents schools parents cc-resources | emotions flex goals meta organisation planning response attention tasks time memory | ||
Pause Perfectionism – Worksheet | How to calm yourself when you feel frustrated, stressed, & self critical about a ‘problem’ | sheets schools | ||||
Perfectionism & Task Initiation – Worksheet | Worksheet that enables students to overcome analysis paralysis when starting essays. | sheets schools | ||||
Planning & Prioritising Toolkit | Improve your planning skills and learn how to order your task in terms of urgency. | school-toolkit schools | ||||
Planning and Prioritising Strategies – Handout | 5 tips to avoid overwhelm | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Planning my journey workshseet | Worksheet for students to improve time management skills, reflect on their planning, and learn about buffer time and time tax | Metacognition, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time, Time Management | sheets schools | meta planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks time-2 time | ||
Polyvagal Ladder – Handout | Learn about the three stages of polyvagal theory | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Polyvagal Theory – Poster | Poster displaying the Polyvagal Theory by Stephen Porges. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Positive Exam Affirmation Poster | Poster to remind students of good thoughts during exams | Anxiety, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation | posters-schools schools | anxiety flex goals meta organisation | ||
Procrastination Purge – Worksheet | Break down the task into smaller chunks. | sheets schools | ||||
Procrastination Reflection – Worksheet | Take your best guess and rank the following reasons for why you procrastinate | sheets schools | ||||
Productivity Tracker – Worksheet | What went well do day and how could I do better | sheets schools | ||||
Response Inhibition Games | Visual representation of 8 games to play to help delaying gratitude | Response Inhibition | handouts-parents posters-schools parents cc-resources schools | response | ||
Revision Myths & Truths Presentation | Powerpoint presentation debunking revision myths | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Revision Planning, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management, Working Memory | present schools | flex goals organisation planning-and-prioritisation revision-planning attention tasks time memory | ||
Revision Skills Handout | Strategies to develop EF skills for revision and studying | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Revision Planning, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Working Memory | schools-handouts schools | flex goals revision-planning attention tasks memory | ||
Science of Sleep – Worksheet | What does the science say about the importance of sleep? | sheets schools | ||||
Science of Sleep Handout | Handout unpacking the role of sleep in executive functioning | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Organisation, Sleep, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management, Working Memory | handoouts schools | flex goals organisation sleep attention tasks time memory | ||
Science of Sleep Pack | Learn about the importance of sleep for our executive functioning. | Sustained Attention, Working Memory | individual-handouts packs individual cc-resources schools | attention memory | ||
Self Care – Building Blocks Assessment – Worksheet | A mindfulness exercise where students can reflect on their EF building blocks. | sheets schools | ||||
Self Care – Self Care Menu – Worksheet | A table for students to map out activities that help them recharge. | sheets schools | ||||
Self Care During the Winter Months Pack | Prioritise your wellbeing in winter with these self-care tools. | packs schools | ||||
Self Regulation Strategies Handout | Practice emotional regulation with these strategies | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Metacognition | schools-handouts schools | emotions flex meta | ||
Self-Evaulation Form Worksheet | Complete to help you reflect on what when well and areas for improvement in maths | Metacognition | sheets schools | meta | ||
Sleep Hygiene Tracker Worksheet | Worksheet to track healthy sleep habits | Metacognition, Organisation, Sleep, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | sheets schools | meta organisation sleep attention tasks | ||
Social Anxiety Presentation | An engaging resource for classroom discussions on social anxiety. | Anxiety, Feelings, Flexibility, Metacognition | present schools | anxiety feelings flex meta | ||
Stages of Sleep – Worksheet | The different stages of sleep and how much sleep we need | sheets schools | ||||
Standard Teacher Training Pack | An introduction to executive function skills. | packs schools | ||||
Teacher Connect Collaborate Support – Scripts Table | A script for teachers to use with their students to help scaffold a Connect Collaborate Support Conversation. | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Test Yourself Worksheet | Worksheet for student to test their knowledge when revising | Goal-Directed Persistence, Revision Planning, Sustained Attention, Working Memory | sheets schools | goals revision-planning attention memory | ||
The Forgetting Curve Poster | Poster displaying how long information is retained after revising | Goal-Directed Persistence, Revision Planning, Sustained Attention, Working Memory | posters-schools schools | goals revision-planning attention memory | ||
The Science of Questioning Pack | What’s happening inside our brains when we become curious, and why it’s important. | packs schools | ||||
The Science of Sleep Presentation | Powerpoint presentation exploring the role of sleep in EFs | Metacognition, Sleep | present schools | meta sleep | ||
Time management handout | Handout unpacking the role of executive functions in how we manage our time | Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time, Time Management | schools-handouts schools | planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks time-2 time | ||
Time Management Strategies Poster | Poster showing different strategies to manage your time better. | posters-schools schools | ||||
Time Management Strategies Poster | Poster showing different strategies to manage your time better. | Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time, Time Management | posters-schools schools | organisation planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks time-2 time | ||
Trauma & Executive Functions Pack | Understand how trauma impacts executive functioning, and the amygdala’s role in trauma and EF. | packs schools | ||||
Triage Your To Dos – Worksheet | Prioritise your tasks as if you were an emergency room at a hospital. | sheets schools | ||||
Unmasking Toolkit | Dive deep into strategies for recognising and supporting hidden challenges in students. | Anxiety, Feelings, Flexibility, Metacognition | toolkits toolkits-individual schools | anxiety feelings flex meta | ||
Visualising The Maths Word Problem Worksheet | Solve maths word problems by thinking about them visually. | Goal-Directed Persistence, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Working Memory | sheets schools | goals attention tasks memory | ||
Whats on my plate – Brain Dump – Worksheet | Dump all your to-dos in your mind right now to start planning and prioritisation. | sheets schools | ||||
When you sleep, your brain… Poster | Poster showing what our brains get up to when we’re alseep | Metacognition, Sleep | posters-schools schools | meta sleep | ||
Where you Shine your Flashlight – Handout | Explore the concepts of the juggler, floodlight and flash light. | schools-handouts schools | ||||
Why am I scared of exams? Presentation | Presentation diving into why exams are scary for some. | Anxiety, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention | present schools | anxiety goals meta organisation planning-and-prioritisation attention | ||
Why Are Long Term Projects So Hard? | Handout unpacking the neuroscience behind executive function challenges of long term project planning and completion, and how to overcome them | Metacognition, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation, Time Management | schools-handouts schools | meta planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks time | ||
Why are Maths word problems so hard Handout | Learn about why maths word problems are so hard for students and how to tackle them | Emotional Control, Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritising, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | schools-handouts schools | emotions flex goals meta organisation planning attention tasks | ||
Why is essay writing so hard packs | A comprehensive essay writing resource for your students that support them at every step. | packs schools | ||||
Why is homework so hard – executive function perspectives and solutions – handout | Handout exploring the challenges of homework and how to overcome them by developing EF skills | Flexibility, Goal-Directed Persistence, Homework, Metacognition, Organisation, Planning and Prioritisation, Sustained Attention, Task Initiation | schools-handouts schools | flex goals homework meta organisation planning-and-prioritisation attention tasks | ||
Why vacations are good for your brain Pack | Taking a break from our busy lives is essential for our wellbeing. | packs schools | ||||
Winter Self Care Toolkit | Put your wellbeing first in winter with these self-care activities. | school-toolkit schools |
Schools library
Resource packs
Strategy Bank
If you experience any technical issues, please email our Tech Guru, Prinel: prinel@connectionsinmind.co.uk .
You can also email us at info@connectionsinmind.co.uk if you are looking for a resource – someone from our team would be happy to help.Â